I. Library with detail of Text books, relevant books, reference books, and journals
To promote the habit of reading, the Management of Global Institute of Medical Sciences, Peshawar has provided its students a well-organized and well-furnished library.
The library contained more than 1000 text and reference books for the proposed Generic BSN, Post RN BScN, Lady Health Visitor (LHV), Community Midwifery (CMW)
and Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Programs.
II. Science lab equipment’s, Anatomy models and charts
The Management of Global Institute of Medical Sciences, Peshawar has established well equipped and well-furnished state of the art Science and anatomy Labs which provide learning environment for the students to practice in various healthcare settings. Students have the opportunity for experimental hands and practice provided through formal classes, scheduled practices times and open lab session.
Expert guidance of the lab instructors provides an opportunity for students to become competent in the fields of health sciences and to be safe practitioners while working towards excellence. The list of equipment is attached at
III. Skills lab equipment and Mannequins
The Management of Global Institute of Medical Sciences, Peshawar has also established well equipped and well-furnished state of the Skill Lab. List of Skill Lab Equipment is attached at
IV. IT lab computer systems and multimedia, Internet Facilities available
The Management of GIMS believes that all kinds of learning are subject to computer literacy; therefore, the institute provides unique advantages to its students of its own well-established computer laboratory. All the computers are connected both with intra-net and internet facility.
v. Transportation
vi. Extra-curricular Activities
At GIMS we have top level sports facilities. We offer students an exceptionally wide range of sports and physical activities including Major and Minor sports. We encourage every boy to participate in sports actively and get the chance to be part of a team.